Covid Vaccination in Real Time

Updated March 19, 2021
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The United States is now vaccinating about million people against COVID-19 every day. Around people per second receive either their first or second dose. That's about this fast:
Of course, with few exceptions, vaccination centers do not operate 24 hours per day. If we assume the average vaccination center is open 8 hours per day, then the active period looks more like this:
Click these buttons to update the graphic.
This is a massive improvement in a short time.

December 1, 2020

No vaccines given

January 1, 2021

255k per day

February 1, 2021

1.3m per day

March 1, 2021

1.8m per day
Vaccinations are now vastly out-pacing the rate of new cases:

Vaccines per day

New cases per day

Still, there is a long way to go.
Doses given
Doses needed « scroll left/right »
Each pixel represents 1,000 doses.

Next pixel in s
At the current pace, we should reach herd immunity by late summer, 2021.
